
MyIE Objective Graph
Mind MyIE is a monitoring system which aims at giving an overview of all i2i and/or DIME supported impact evaluations (IE). It is a user-friendly cost-effective and low-maintenance database-management system and M&E software to track status and general information for each impact evaluation. It gathers information on each IE's: profile and status, evaluation design, data collection aspects, monitoring and quality indicators, counterpart details, influence on programs and policies and, finally, the produced documentation. A complete list of all collected indicators can be found in the i2i/DIME Indicators section.

The system serves as an M&E instrument, facilitating the production of reports in relations to donors' results framework. More than just a reporting tool, the system aims at being a knowledge platform, giving quick access to summary statistics. These can be found on various dimensions, supplying information on levels such as regions, timeline, budget, evaluation designs, project life cycles, themes etc.